HCG doses can vary dramatically depending on the purpose of use, and when used with anabolic steroids HCG doses can be very confusing for some to understand. The compound is commonly used for two distinct purposes revolving around steroid use and depending on the purpose of use HCG doses can be hard to understand. For on cycle use, HCG doses will be very low; high on cycle doses could be very damaging to the HPTA. Then we have the compound’s use during Post Cycle Therapy (РСТ) and here we will find HCG doses are necessarily high; however, only for a short period of time.
On Cycle HCG Doses:
For the purpose of on cycle use, standard male HCG doses will normally be 250-350iu every 4-5 days throughout the duration of the cycle. This will keep the testicles full throughout the cycle and may promote an easier recovery in the end. If your HCG doses are higher than the listed range, you will risk creating a Luteinizing Hormone (LH) dependency, which would send you into a low testosterone condition once the use of anabolic steroids comes to an end. When it comes to on cycle use, there is no reason to go above and beyond the listed HCG doses.
The only reason high HCG doses should ever be used is when the peptide’s used as a fertility aide, specifically ovarian stimulation. In such cases, HCG doses will be 5,000-10,000iu at a very specific point during the menstrual cycle. No anabolic steroid user will ever have a need to take their HCG doses this high. Then we have testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and HCG is sometimes used for TRT; sometimes as part of a plan and sometimes representing the brunt of the plan. There are two generalized HCG TRT plans (direct TRT); however, they are rapidly losing popularity as direct TRT is far more efficient when exogenous testosterone is used. Однако, there are two plans, a short term and long term and they are as follows:
- Short-Term: – Phase 1: 500-1,000iu 3x per week for 3 Недель – Phase 2: 500-1,000iu 2x per week for 3 Недель
- Long-Term: – Phase 1: 3,000-4,000iu 3x per week for 6-9 Месяцы – Phase 2: 2,000iu 3x per week for 3 Месяцы
In the modern era, low HCG doses have become popular in direct TRT plans. The individual is given a low testosterone dose once per week along with a low dose of HCG 1-2 times per week. For this purpose of use, HCG doses will normally fall in the 250-350iu range. This is an excellent way to maximize your TRT plan.